Tell us a little about yourself?
My name is Christine, but I write under the pen name C.W. Rose. I'm a fantasy and romance author by night, and healthcare professional by day, and I write about ordinary Asian women in extraordinary circumstances, and find themselves, and sometimes (okay, usually) love on the way, and the cinnamon roll men who adore them. I'm also a certified scuba diver and lifeguard, a karaoke enthusiast, travel addict, and mama to a Pekingese dog who looks suspiciously like an Ewok.
What made you become a writer?
I can't think of a specific moment where I thought, okay, I'm going to be a writer/author. For as long as I can remember, I've loved reading. I would read the backs of ketchup bottles, and every sign down to the last word.
I wrote my fist ever "book" when I was eight years old, a picture book about fishes. From there, I graduated to Disney fanfiction in my early teens, then to novellas, and finally wrote my first novel about twenty or so years ago.
I've always found that there's something magical about writing, and there are stories and characters in my head that beg to be put onto the page. It's something I can't live without. You know how some entertainers say that they didn't choose their art of choice, but it chose them? I feel the same about writing. It chose me.
Where did the idea for Oceansong come from?
Anyone who’s ever known me knows that I’ve always been more comfortable in the water than on land. I'd like to think it was because I have bad knees and asthma, and swimming and the sea breeze would make both feel better.
I’ve always loved and been fascinated by the sea and what mysteries lay beneath the surface, and deep water never scared me.
Inspiration came for Oceansong when I was on a cruise vacation with my family. I was standing at the balcony of a common area, staring out into the sea, watching the rolling and crashing waves. I’m also a certified scuba diver, so I started thinking, if I were to go diving right now, what would I find? Then, my mind started wandering. I began to wonder, what if there were merfolk under the sea? What if they were real and just have been hiding from us this whole time? From there, the initial ideas for Oceansong were born.
What is Oceansong about?
Oceansong is an Asian, modern day Romeo & Juliet with mermaids. It follows 24-year old aspiring marine biologist and dock worker Angie Song, who has just returned to her Alaskan hometown for the summer to work at her family's docks.
She soon discovers that fish are mysteriously disappearing from the sea, starving her small fishing village. When she investigates, she finds that merfolk are responsible, and her family declare war on the mer. In the midst of the conflict, she falls in love with a mer-prince, and their forbidden romance puts everything and everyone dear to Angie in danger.
Tell us about your main characters are they based on anyone you know?
I like to say that all my characters have a little bit of everyone I ever knew in them. My protagonist, Angie, is snarky and prickly on the outside, but she's a softie inside who will do anything for the people she loves. Mer-Prince Kaden is just as snarky as she is, and wants nothing more than to protect his home, the sea, and all of her creatures. Neither are based on anyone I know specifically, but subconsciously, I feel like Angie is who I would want to be. She's not afraid to stand up for what she believes in, and is assertive and brave. Kaden, on the other hand, was a conglomeration of the type of man I would want in real life. He's kind, caring, and inquisitive, but he's not afraid to fight if need be.
What tips would you give a new writer?
To never give up, hone your craft, and know that finding the right agent and/or publisher does come down to a lot of luck (that the right person will find your work at the right time).
I know we hear ‘never give up’ a lot around the writing community, but if this is truly your dream, never stop pursuing it. But take breaks for your mental health if you need to, that should always come first.
When you’re querying and on submission, it can be so tough to give up control (I know it was tough for me), but keep putting yourself out there and write the next book, and your time will come.
Never be afraid to pivot, because if one path isn’t working out for you, then try another. And remember that everyone’s definition of success is different, so know what success means to you, personally.
Finally, write what you love, because if you don't enjoy what you write, how can you expect others to?
What are your favourite books?
Without a doubt, the entire Sweet Valley series, because that was the first series that ever got me into reading when I was a teenager. I also adore Radiance by Grace Draven, because that was the book that catapulted me into the fantasy romance genre.
Thank you so much for featuring me, Sam!